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Enneagram alternative

How does TraitLab compare to the Enneagram of Personality?

The Enneagram is a popular personality model that classifies people into one of nine personality types. For more details on this model, see "What is the Enneagram?" on the TraitLab blog.

There's no "official" Enneagram test. The Enneagram is just one way of describing the personality differences between people, and many people have created tests or methods for judging a person's Enneagram type.

TraitLab is a personality assessment platform that gives you a comprehensive analysis of your personality, strengths, and career interests.

TraitLab gives you everything you love about the Enneagram, plus so much more.

With TraitLab Plus, you'll get detailed assessment of familiar personality types like the Enneagram and an incredibly detailed view of your personality traits, strengths, career interests, and more.
How it works

You're more complex than a single Enneagram type

An Enneagram type can only tell you the most basic details about your personality patterns. Millions of people share the same Enneagram type and differ in their personality traits, career interests, and strengths.

TraitLab measures over 80 different dimensions of your personality to give you a one-of-a-kind, comprehensive report of what makes you unique.

Reveal unexpected career paths

While the Enneagram typology provides a general description of personality, it does not easily translate to the wide range of possible occupations and their relative demands.

With TraitLab, you can easily compare your profile across hundreds of occupations, learn about your relative strengths in each of them, and better understand the trade-offs and opportunities behind different career paths.

While the Enneagram types and wings do not easily explain career or job fit, TraitLab gives you insight into work-specific interests and their alignment with different occupations.

Lean into your strengths

TraitLab identifies your most potent character strengths, then suggests ways to exercise these strengths in your daily life.

Unlike the Enneagram, TraitLab goes beyond a broad description of your personality and translates it into more practical character strengths, useful in personal and professional contexts.

Satisfaction guaranteed

If you're not happy with TraitLab Plus, contact us within 7 days of your purchase and get a full refund.

Upgrade to TraitLab Plus

Explore your personality, interests, and strengths with the comprehensive analyses in TraitLab Plus.

What's included

  • Personality trait analysis (45+ traits)

  • Personality wordcloud analysis

  • Interpersonal style analysis

  • Strengths profile

  • Career interests analysis

  • Career search (700+ occupations)

  • 16 Personality type analysis

  • Enneagram type analysis

  • Monthly re-assessments

  • Shareable public profile

One payment, lifetime access

$19 USD

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