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Which Enneagram type is most like you?

See how your personality compares to all nine Enneagram types with the unique assessment in TraitLab Plus.

An Enneagram chart showing the nine personality types and their titles

What is your Enneagram type?

Each of the nine Enneagram personality types describes a pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Followers of the Enneagram typology often describe people as belonging to a single type, but most people are more accurately described as a blend of two or more Enneagram types.

With TraitLab Plus, you'll see your similarity to all nine Enneagram types, so you can understand how your unique personality compares to the popular Enneagram framework.

Examples of real Enneagram type profiles from TraitLab Plus:

Examples of Enneagram personality typology profiles from TraitLab Plus.
Every personality can be described as a unique blend of all nine types. Rather than just giving you a single type, your TraitLab Plus results include your similarity to all nine personality types.

How does it work?

First, you'll answer a detailed, standardized set of questions. As you answer, TraitLab gradually learns about your pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaving across different situations.

Next, TraitLab compares your answers to millions of responses and creates your comprehensive personality profile.

Then, your profile is compared to thousands of examples of each Enneagram type and wing subtype, and TraitLab estimates your overall similarity to each type.

Lastly, you can learn more about each Enneagram type from TraitLab's library of articles and compare your typology results to several personality models included in TraitLab Plus.

Examples of Enneagram subtypes, or wings, in TraitLab Plus results.
Your TraitLab Plus results include your estimated Enneagram subtype, also known as your Enneagram wing.

TraitLab's Enneagram assessment is a perfect fit for:

  • Enneagram Practitioners who want to expand their personality assessments and compare the Enneagram to other approaches
  • Couples who want to compare their Enneagram types and compare communication, organization, and emotional styles
  • Coaches looking for a more rigorous personality analysis for new clients

Does my Enneagram type change over time?

As you build experience and grow, your patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving may change, and this can gradually shift your Enneagram type. With TraitLab Plus, you can take monthly reassessments to track any changes in your Enneagram type or other personality aspects.

How does my personality type compare to other assessments?

Your Enneagram type is just one model of personality. Your TraitLab Plus results describe personality using multiple personality models, such as:

  • Personality traits
  • 16 Personality types
  • Enneagram types
  • Interpersonal style analysis
  • Strengths profile
  • Career interest profile
  • Career matches

Real Results

Read why people love TraitLab

“The details in TraitLab Plus are fascinating and have helped me on my journey of self-knowledge.”


“I found the details in TraitLab Plus provided insight beyond the MBTI.”


“Out of all of the personality sites that I've seen, TraitLab is the most accurate one.”


“Very thorough examination and easy to understand. Personally, I appreciated the career insights. They helped me understand why some paths would work and others wouldn't. Great work!”


“Engaging and educational content with a steady stream of insights.”


“My results were accurate and I think I learned a lot about myself.”

Ted F.

“I love the user design and the depth of the whole TraitLab platform.”


Insights Guaranteed

With the comprehensive results in TraitLab Plus, you're bound to learn something new about yourself.

In fact, if you don't have at least one "A-ha!" moment — one new insight about yourself and your personality within 7 days of your purchase — you'll get a full refund.

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  • Core personality trait analysis
  • Shareable public profile


$69 $49

Buy TraitLab Plus

Invest in your self-awareness and clarity. Get lifetime access with a one-time purchase.

  • Comprehensive personality analysis
  • Shareable public profile
  • Personality trait analysis (45 traits)
  • Personality wordcloud
  • Strengths profile
  • Interpersonal style analysis
  • Career interests analysis
  • Career matching (700+ occupations)
  • 16 Personality typology analysis
  • Enneagram typology analysis
  • Personalized public profile link
  • Monthly re-assessments
  • Comparisons with other people
  • Early access to all new features