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It's time to meet the real you.

Create a free account to start building your personality profile. Upgrade anytime for the most comprehensive personality assessment available.



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  • Core personality trait analysis
  • Shareable public profile


$69 $49

Buy TraitLab Plus

Invest in your self-awareness and clarity. Get lifetime access with a one-time purchase.

  • Comprehensive personality analysis
  • Shareable public profile
  • Personality trait analysis (45 traits)
  • Personality wordcloud
  • Strengths profile
  • Interpersonal style analysis
  • Career interests analysis
  • Career matching (700+ occupations)
  • 16 Personality typology analysis
  • Enneagram typology analysis
  • Personalized public profile link
  • Monthly re-assessments
  • Comparisons with other people
  • Early access to all new features