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Free Personality Tests

Personality Wordcloud

See how your underlying personality traits translate to common words.

Your personality wordcloud shows up to 100 words describing your personality.

See your personality wordcloud ->

Big Five Personality Dimensions

Are you more open-minded and philosophical than most people? Or more argumentative and domineering?

You'll see how you compare to other people on the most well-established, research-backed personality framework: the Big Five.

See your Big Five ->

16 Personality Types

The 16 Personality Types framework classifies personalities based on cognitive preferences and attitudes.

See which of the popular 16 personality types you is most similar to you.

See your 16 Personality Type similarity ->

Enneagram Types

The Enneagram is a popular personality typology centered on nine distinct types.

Learn which of the nine types is most similar to your unique blend of traits.

See your Enneagram Type similarity ->