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Personality Profile | gregorypark

Personality Traits

Below are estimates of gregorypark's placement on five broad personality traits, known as the Big Five in personality research:

Each personality dimension is described by a best estimate and a margin of error.

The best estimate is a single number (between 1 and 99) that describes how gregorypark compares to other people who answered the same questions. The higher the number, the higher gregorypark scored on this trait compared to other people on TraitLab.

The margin of error describes the reliability of the best estimate. A highly reliable estimate will have a small, narrow margin of error, while a less reliable estimate will have a bigger, wider margin of error. Estimates become more reliable by answering more questions.

Openness to Experience

Openness describes your interest and tolerance for new experiences, ideas, and feelings.

Very Low Low Average High Very High 88 Best estimate 74 96 Traditional Conventional Curious Imaginative

Based on your answers so far, our best estimate of your level of Openness puts you at the 88th percentile. In other words, you scored higher than 88%, or lower than 12%, of other people. This estimate will vary as you answer additional questions, and your true value is likely somewhere between the 74th and 96th percentiles.

You are higher than most people on the Openness to Experience dimension.

As a highly open person, you crave new experiences and enjoy learning about different points of view.

You are likely deeply curious about a wide range of topics, and you may occasionally get lost when diving into a new subject, hobby, or intellectual pursuit.

You may be eager to escape from familiar sights and routines, and you often defy conventional norms or ways of thinking.

In the world of ideas and feelings, you are adventurous. You are unusually sensitive and aware of your own emotions and patterns of thought. You feel a need to consistently expand your perspective and often reflect deeply on your past experiences.

You have a high tolerance for ambiguity and an appreciation for complexity. While some people prefer things to be merely black or white, you are very comfortable with shades of grey.


Conscientiousness describes your planning, impulsivity, and tendency to follow socially accepted norms and rules.

Very Low Low Average High Very High 98 Best estimate 94 99 Impulsive Spontaneous Organized Systematic

Based on your answers so far, our best estimate of your level of Conscientiousness puts you at the 98th percentile. In other words, you scored higher than 98%, or lower than 2%, of other people. This estimate will vary as you answer additional questions.

You are higher than most people on the Conscientiousness dimension.

You are usually very systematic in your thinking and planning. You prefer detailed plans, schedules, and routines, rather than simply figuring things out in the moment.

You can maintain focus on long-term goals (e.g., schooling, career, or health goals), persist through difficult challenges, and are less easily distracted by short-term opportunities and other temptations.

You value order and regularity. While you may not agree with every socially-accepted rule and guideline, you tend to do things by the book, regardless of the situation.


Extraversion describes your interpersonal assertiveness and tendency to experience positive emotions.

Very Low Low Average High Very High 24 Best estimate 10 44 Quiet Reserved Assertive Enthusiastic

Based on your answers so far, our best estimate of your level of Extraversion puts you at the 24th percentile. In other words, you scored higher than 24%, or lower than 76%, of other people. This estimate will vary as you answer additional questions, and your true value is likely somewhere between the 10th and 44th percentiles.

You are lower than most people on the Extraversion dimension.

You try to limit most social engagements when possible. You prefer to sit back and observe, and you avoid being the center of attention.

You gravitate towards less stimulating environments, and you avoid loud, busy, and crowded spaces. After a long or intense social engagement, you may feel overstimulated and exhausted, and you may need extended downtime to recover.

In group situations, you are more reserved than most people. You tend to speak less often, speak more softly, and smile and laugh less frequently than others in these settings. You are more comfortable when playing a supporting role, rather than taking charge and leading the group.


Agreeableness describes your motivation to maintain positive relationships with others and diffuse interpersonal tension.

Very Low Low Average High Very High 87 Best estimate 69 96 Demanding Argumentative Polite Empathetic

Based on your answers so far, our best estimate of your level of Agreeableness puts you at the 87th percentile. In other words, you scored higher than 87%, or lower than 13%, of other people. This estimate will vary as you answer additional questions, and your true value is likely somewhere between the 69th and 96th percentiles.

You are higher than most people on the Agreeableness dimension.

You are highly motivated to maintain warm, friendly relationships with other people. You avoid conflict as much as possible, and when conflict does arise, you immediately seek to reduce or resolve any interpersonal tension.

You strive to be helpful and cooperative, and people often see you as a team player. You are more likely to do what is best for the group, rather than only do what is best for you.

You are highly sensitive to the emotions of other people. You often try to see things from another person's perspective, and you consider their feelings before taking action. You readily take on the emotions of people close to you. For example, if your friend is sad, you feel sad, too.


Neuroticism describes your emotional variability and tendency to experience negative emotions.

Very Low Low Average High Very High 18 Best estimate 9 31 Relaxed Resilient Tense Sensitive

Based on your answers so far, our best estimate of your level of Neuroticism puts you at the 18th percentile. In other words, you scored higher than 18%, or lower than 82%, of other people. This estimate will vary as you answer additional questions, and your true value is likely somewhere between the 9th and 31st percentiles.

You are lower than most people on the Neuroticism dimension.

You tend to be very emotionally stable and have very few mood swings. Even under high stress, you experience relatively low levels of sadness, anxiety, and anger.

You rarely worry. You tend to be optimistic about the future, knowing that you can handle problems if they arise.

You are highly resilient to stress. Compared to most people, you can function normally under high amounts of stress, and it seldom disrupts your thinking, eating, or sleeping. Even after highly stressful events, you tend to bounce back quickly.

16 Personality Typology

The 16 Personality typology groups people together according to their preferences in cognitive functions or attitudes:

  • Introversion-Extraversion
  • Sensing-Intuiting
  • Thinking-Feeling, and
  • Judging-Perceiving.

According to this typology, different personality types have distinct preferences across these four dimensions.

For each cognitive function, TraitLab estimates the relative strength of your preference towards one end of the spectrum.

For example, numbers close to the extremes (less than 10% or greater than 90%) indicate a very strong preference towards one end of the spectrum, while numbers closer to 50% indicate greater balance between opposing functions.


The four preferences above are typically used to classify people into a single personality type. Based on your preferences above, your personality is most similar to:

63% similarity
Read more about the INFJ ->

Click on any type below to learn more about its underlying personality traits and patterns:


The Enneagram is a popular framework that categorizes personalities into nine interrelated types.

According to this model, each Enneagram type has characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Based on your answers to the previous questions, TraitLab has estimated which of the Enneagram types is most similar to you. TraitLab's best estimate is:

Type 5
The Investigator
62% similarity
Read more about The Investigator ->

Like all typologies, the Enneagram is an oversimplification, and nobody falls neatly into a single type. Instead, most personalities are better described as a unique blend of several types.

Rather than label you with a single type, TraitLab calculates your similarity to every Enneagram type. Below, you can see which of the nine types is most similar to your personality, along with a similarity score (from 0% to 100%).


Two people classified as Type 5s may still have significant differences in their personalities.

Some Enneagram practitioners use the concept of wings to distinguish an individual's personality beyond a single type. Wings are subtypes, or secondary types, that describe differences within a primary type.

For example, while your primary type may be Type 5, you may also share some characteristics of one of Type 5's neighboring types: Type 4 (The Individualist) and Type 6 (The Loyalist).

If you are more similar to Type 4, then your wing subtype would be 5w4, or Type 5 with a 4 wing, also known as The Poet.

Or, you may be more similar to Type 6. In this case, your wing subtype would be 5w6, or Type 5 with a 6 wing, also known as The Technician.

Based on your type similarities, TraitLab estimates that the wing subtype that best describes you is:

Type 5w6
The Technician

For more on the underlying theory behind this typology, see this article about the Enneagram.


Your interpersonal style describes your tendencies around interacting and communicating with others.

Assured Dominant Talkative Extraverted Warm Agreeable Unassuming Trusting Unassured Submissive Aloof Introverted Cold Aggressive Competitive Calculating Warmth Assertiveness

Your baseline interpersonal style can be described reasonably well by two dimensions: assertiveness and warmth.

Assertiveness describes your tendency to assert yourself, lead, and influence others in social situations. People higher on assertiveness are more likely to take charge, give direction, and exert their influence on others. In contrast, less assertive people tend to be reserved, observant, and less willing to direct others.

Warmth describes your tendency to empathize and put others' needs ahead of yours. People high on warmth are trusting, empathetic, and relatively more concerned about the well-being of others. People lower on warmth are more skeptical, distant, and less affected by the wants and needs of others.

Your blend of assertiveness and warmth often leads to the following interpersonal characteristics:

  • Compared to most people, you are trusting, gracious, and respectful.
  • In social settings, you are quick to conform to expectations, ask for guidance, and seek approval.
  • You naturally take the role of a loyal, reliable supporter, and your reserved nature encourages others to take the lead and provide guidance.
  • Occasionally, your tendency to defer your needs allows others to take advantage of you.
  • Some people with this style have difficulty pushing back and asserting their own needs.

Personality Wordcloud

Another way to describe personality is through a unique combination of descriptive words. While there are thousands of words for describing someone, some will be a much better description for you than others.

For example, based on your results, you might be described as particularly organized, neat, efficient, thorough, and considerate.

Below is a visualization of up to 100 words that roughly describe your personality.

While all of the words below describe your personality to some degree, some words are better descriptors than others.

The size of each word is determined by how closely the word describes your personality.

Bigger words describe prominent aspects of your personality, and smaller words describe less prominent aspects.

Career Interests

Career interests can have a strong influence how you feel while performing different types of work.

When your interests fit well with the day-to-day demands of a particular career, you are more likely to feel satisfied and engaged.

The chart below shows your relative strength in each of the six major career interests, followed by descriptions of each interest.

  • Investigative

    Very Strong

    You have very strong Investigative interests.

    People with higher Investigative interests enjoy tackling challenging research and analytic problems. They often describe themselves as rational, logical, and intellectual.

    Highly Investigative people often like working at the intersection of things and ideas. For example, they can become deeply engrossed in understanding how systems or natural phenomena work and interact.

    Intense Investigative interests usually fit well with careers that require a blend of technical skills and abstract concepts, like mathematics, sciences, and engineering.

    Careers with higher Investigative interests include mathematicians, epidemiologists, chemists, biomedical engineers, computer scientists, and geographers.

  • Artistic


    You have moderate Artistic interests.

    People with higher Artistic interests prefer working and experimenting with ideas. They are usually more comfortable with abstract concepts and creative, unstructured environments than strict processes and procedures.

    Highly Artistic people also tend to be higher on Openness to Experience, and they are generally highly perceptive of emotional aspects and other abstract features. In addition, they are likely to describe themselves as imaginative, creative, and philosophical.

    Intense Artistic interests fit well with careers that focus primarily on ideas and may require creativity and artistic risk-taking.

    Careers with higher Artistic interests include photographers, musicians, fashion designers, makeup artists, hairstylists, and writers.

  • Social


    You have moderate Social interests.

    People with higher Social interests prefer working with, nurturing, or helping people. They are comfortable dealing with and managing interpersonal relationships as an essential part of their work.

    Highly Social people tend to be empathetic and compassionate, and they are highly perceptive of other people's emotions. As a result, they are more likely to describe themselves as caring, concerned, and understanding.

    Intense Social interests are an excellent fit with careers that require attention and sensitivity to interpersonal relationships and their emotions and perceptions of other people. Examples include any role that involves teaching, counseling, or managing others.

    Careers with higher Social interests include social workers, nurses, school teachers, physical therapists, and substance abuse counselors.

  • Conventional


    You have moderate Conventional interests.

    People with higher Conventional interests prefer working with concrete details within highly structured systems. They are more comfortable organizing things or data according to regular processes and procedures.

    Highly Conventional people tend to score higher on the Orderliness aspect of Conscientiousness. They are more likely to describe themselves as systematic, professional, and controlling. They usually gravitate to roles with more rigid schedules, structured environments, and traditional organizational structures.

    Intense Conventional interests fit well with careers demanding high regularity, attention to detail, and consistency around tangible things and data.

    Careers with higher Conventional interests include accountants, database administrators, copy editors, credit analysts, pharmacy technicians, and executive assistants.

  • Realistic


    You have moderate Realistic interests.

    People with higher Realistic interests enjoy hands-on, physical activities and tasks. For example, satisfying work often involves working directly with their hands or through tools or machinery to get a job done.

    Highly Realistic people generally prefer working directly with things and tangible objects rather than working primarily with ideas and abstract concepts.

    They are usually more comfortable taking physical risks as part of their work, and they may also enjoy adding competitive features to their daily tasks.

    As a result, they often gravitate towards jobs with opportunities for working outdoors, competition, and physical risk-taking.

    Careers with higher Realistic interests include electricians, carpenters, animal trainers, forest rangers, and arborists.

  • Enterprising


    You have moderate Enterprising interests.

    People with higher Enterprising interests prefer roles that involve leading, influencing, and persuading others. They are comfortable taking control, making decisions, and commanding the attention of others.

    Highly Enterprising people tend to be highly assertive and skilled communicators. In addition, they are more likely to describe themselves as tough-minded, influential, and outspoken.

    Intense Enterprising interests are a natural fit for domains that rely on influencing others, such as sales and marketing, or leading others, such as management and executive roles.

    Careers with higher Enterprising interests include chief executives, lawyers, office managers, event coordinators, investment traders, and public relations specialists.

Personalized career matching results are not included in public profiles. Learn more ->